Tuesday, June 10, 2008


When we were going through the back office, we found about 9 boxes of t-shirts from Lil Sibs '07 and '08, Senior shirts from '05, and Greensweep '07. We saved 100 t-shirts in smalls, mediums and larges so to have in stock for Up the Orgs+, various table hours, COSGA, ASGA and other conferences, as well as any other need for promotional items. However, this left us with about 1000 t-shirts in excess. There had been discussion throughout the year that extra t-shirts should be donated somewhere so Emi and I (with the help of Kevin Schultz and Darren Brown) took the t-shirts to the Salvation Army Emergency House which will provide homeless women and children downtown with clean t-shirts. They will also take some of the t-shirts to the Salvation Army Booth house which helps homeless men in the Dayton area.

Just wanted to let you know that those extra t-shirts have gone to a great cause!


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